6 Steps to Move Your Project from Kickstarter to Indiegogo’s InDemand

It’s super easy to get started with Indiegogo’s InDemand program. Just follow the next steps below for each of these campaigns:

  1. Go ahead and create a new campaign draft by going here -> https://www.indiegogo.com/campaigns/new
  2. Don’t worry, even though the creation page looks like a new campaign, the Indiegogo team will convert it to InDemand before you launch. It’s quite simple to use all your previous assets: content, pitch, & perks for your InDemand page.
  3. There is no timeline or goal with InDemand, so those fields will become obsolete as soon as you are live – feel free to fill them in with an arbitrary number.
  4. Be sure to select “Flexible Funding” as your funding option.
  5. Once you have completed filling in your content, send an email to indemand[at]indiegogo.com and include your Indiegogo draft link and Kickstarter campaign link. You can also email Rainfactory and we can make sure it reaches the right people.
  6. The Indiegogo team will then convert it to an InDemand page on the back end.

Do not launch your page before sending the Indiegogo team your draft link – otherwise, your page will launch as a new campaign and will not reflect your previous funds raised.

After they have converted your page, they will follow up with a confirmation email that you are ready to launch. This way you can start day one already showcasing a success with the dollar total from your previous raise.

Some FAQ:

When is a good time to make the transition? 

You can begin the transition process even while your Kickstarter campaign is still live. You will just need to wait until the Kickstarter campaign is complete before making the switch.

Why can’t I just launch a new Indiegogo campaign?

Speaking strategically, there’s only one chance a company gets to “launch.” It’s not generally acceptable to launch twice on two platforms, especially if you only have enough marketing resources to reach the goal once. Also, it’s unfair to your original backers to launch all over again on a different platform, and you’re already on the hook to deliver your products.

What are the fees involved? 

If your campaign originated on Indiegogo, then the same 5% platform fees would apply to InDemand. If you launched from off-platform and are moving to InDemand, the fees are at around 8% as of this time of writing.

Can Rainfactory make the transition for me? 

Of course. To give an example: We helped fully redesign Fluent Forever in the process of transitioning from Fluent Forever’s Kickstarter to Fluent Forever’s InDemand, and increased conversion rate by more than 4x, and more than TRIPLED their original raise on Kickstarter from $500k to more than $1.7M on InDemand. Through hard work and collaboration, we helped “The Most Funded App Ever” actually remain the most-funded app ever.

Contact us today to make your move from Kickstarter to InDemand as seamless as possible. Image courtesy of Indiegogo.

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